Proven replacement for:

Built Up
Tar and Gravel
torch down
white roof
Mule Hide
Duro Last
We can repair a variety of different Roof Systems:
GAF, Carlisle, Firestone, Fiber TiteDuro-Last, etc..

When looking for knowledgeable answers on FLAT ROOFING

who do you ask?


A Shingle Guy / Siding Guy / Remodeling Guy / Handy Man / Flat Roofer


All too often these days to find a contractor to even look at your flat roof; they typically do a number of remodeling type of projects. Fischer Companies, Inc. may know how to do many things, but we only focus on one thing - Flat Roofing!


Someone who specializes in Flat Roofing knows the ins and  outs of the key issues of your flat roof or low slope roof problems. Like anything if you specialize in it you'll become good at it.


If you are needing help figuring out what's wrong or want a better idea of what to do, that's when we shine.


- Full Inspections

- Pictorial Overviews

- To giving presentations to board members

Lots of times a roof may only need some TLC, yet who knows?

Currently we are running a $225 Annual

Inspection Service

Roof Inspection & Report

Clear Drains & Gutters

Make minor repairs

As a part of our services in selling one of the best systems one could put on their roof, we also do consulting which includes:

  • Full Roof Inspections
  • Pictorial Report of Findings and Recommendations
  • Complete review of conditions and status of existing systems

It's a good idea if you are a multiple roof owner.

Call us first; we might be able to help right over the phone.

Repair requests first are screened at our office to verify if a technician is needed. For most people we can help them over the phone depending how willing they are to get on their roof.

Repairs our service calls start at $225 for the service call which includes the first 30 minutes once on site.

Then $119 per hour.

Supplies are extra.

Repairs are handled in a number of ways.

1st the Service Call

If once there it appears the repairs will be more than $300 dollars our repair guys are to come and inform you what they are finding, and come up with a quote.

Most common calls that our guys come out on, are handled within the service call.

The biggest reason for having a professional come out is they know what they are looking for.